엄마가 엄청 맛난걸 갔다주셨어. 먹다가 윌리를 먹여야하는 게 생각났어. 나는 윌리 먹을걸 좀 챙겨서 가방에 넣고 공책에 5단계: 개를 훔친후를 할일을적었어. 친절히 하기,잘 놀아주기,안전한 장소에 두기, 목줄을 할것,음식과 물을 준비할것!
매순간 나는 윌리를 생각해.
다음날 아침이야. 난 몹시 설레. 오늘 현상금 포스트가 붙을꺼야.학교를 마치고 엄마는 차에서 기다리라고 했지만 나랑 토비는 윌리를 찾아가서 먹을 것도 주고 산책도 시켰어. 윌리는 귀엽고 행복해 보이지만 뭔가를 기다리는것 같아. 내가 뭔가 잘못하고 있는건가?
토비는 윌리가 침대가 필요하다고 했고 나는 타월 같은걸 가져 올꺼야.
Mama brought scrambled eggs and pancake and doughnut. Suddenly I thought about feedimg Willy. I had to do was stash some of that food in my backpack for willy.
I tiok out and wrote.
Step 5 : Things to do after you have stolen the dog:
1. Be sure to act nice to him.
2. Play with him some
3. Put him in a safe place
4. Tip up the rope or string
5. Find him some food and water
Every time I thought about Willy.
Next morning, I felt fluttery and exited because today was the day we woulde find the reward sign for willy. After school mama said stay in a car and take care Toby but we went to willy. I felt so glad to see him. He was the happiest dog on earth. We brought water and egg and doughnut and he gobbled up ones.
And we had ran upand down the road mostly he just ran and leaped and barked a happy kind of bark. But look like he was waiting for something. Was it really wrong to do what I was doing?
Toby said he need a bed, I should have brought a towel or something to make a bed.
윌리를 찾는 포스트는 하나도 없어. 그래서 위트 모어 거리로 가봤어 우리는 윌리 주인 아줌마를 만났는데 거친 숨을 고르며 가슴을 부여작고 금방이라도 쓰러질것 같았어.그녀는 카멜라고 하고우리보고 개 찾는걸 도와 달래. 그래서 포스트 같은걸 붙이고 현상금을 써보라고 했더니 집으로 들어오래. 집안에는 쓰레기 같은게 가득 차 있어. 어라.환상적인 가구랑 샹드리아는 없었어. 할머니의 할아버지가 한때 거의 이거리의 땅을 다가지고 있었고 지금은 별로 부자가 아니래. 우리는 500달러 현상금을 붙이라고 했더니 할머니 여동생에게 빌리겠다고 했어. 기분이 안좋아. 윌리는 또 얼마나 나를 반기는지 그만 눈물이 났지 모야. 윌리야 꼭 집에 데려다 줄께
잃어버린 개를 발견하면 그를 주인에게 데려가십시오. 그러나 표지판이 없으면 개 주인을 찾아서 표지판을 만들도록 도와주세요. 개를 잘 돌보고 배고프거나 아무것도하지 않도록 해요.그런 다음 기다렸다가 다음에 어떻게되는지 확인해야합니다. 꼬옥!
There wasn't one single sign for Willy. So they went to Whitmore Road. We met fat lady calling Willy. She was breathing hard and clutching heart like she was going to fall over dead any minute. I felt so bad. She was Camella and asked to help us look for him.
When I saw when I came inside with her that door was a dark room filled of junky stuff. No chandelier. No fancy furniture.
Toby and I said put up some lost-dog sign, and then put 'Reward'. That would make folks try real hard to find Willy. She didn't know, how much she need. She thought fifty dollars but children said more money you need. So she will borrow from her sister.
She's great-granddaddy owned all this land one time but she was not rich. A bad feeling was starting to fall over me.
Me and toby watched her make the first sign.$500 reward. We promised to come back tommorrow.
Willy sure was glad to see us. I gave a dog food and promise I'm gonna take you home. He looked kind of sad. Then the tears that I 'd been trying to hold back for so long came spilling out.
I wrote step 6:When you find some signs about the lost dog,take him back to his owner. But If there are no signs,you will have ti find the owner of the dog and help them make some signs. Remenber to take good care of the dog so he won't be hungry or anything. Then You will have to wait and see what happens next.
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