♧I was suprised how bad I felt, seeing as how I hated that house. But I guess it had been better than the car,after all.
나는 내가 집을 보고얼마나 싫었는지 몰라 .그런데 내가 그 집을 차보다 좋아했나봐 .--조지나 힘내.

나는 맥도날드 화장실에서 씻고 누런 키친 타올에 내 얼굴을 닦아. 아무래도 개를 훔쳐야 겠어.오늘은 과학 시간에 과학 트로젝트를 가져가는 날이야.내것도 없고 난 상관도 안해. 선생님께 잃어버렸다거나 누가 훔쳐 갔다고 할꺼야. 처음에는 개를 훔치는게 무지하게 쉬울줄 알았거든?근데 이젠 제일 어려워.
스텝 3에 개를 어디에 숨길지 알아 놓세요. 밑에 이렇게 써 놓았어.
a. 너가 방문 하기쉬운 가까운 곳으로.
b. 아무도 안가는 곳으로
c. 개에게 좋은 장소로
d. 비올때를 대비해 지붕이 있는곳으로
이제 개를 훔칠 준비가 다 됐어.
오늘은 과학시간에 선생님께서 내이름을 불러서, 발표를 했는데 모두들 컴퓨터로 글자를 프린트 했지만 나는 크게 손으로 써서 애들이 많이 웃었어. 심지어 베프인 루안과 리자는 더 크게 웃는것 같아. 내 얼굴이 빨개 졌지 모야. 글씨가 좀 큰것 뿐인데.
어느날 엄마가 나처럼 얼굴이 뻘개져서 울었어. 청소부 자리에서 찔렸대.집으로 오니 개인 사유지로 들어오지 말라며 크개 X 를 써놓았어. 주인이 더 이상 거기애 사는걸 원치 않아.
나는 개를 훔쳐야 겠다고 확신했어.
I washed in McDonald's bathroom and used brown paper towels to wipe my face. If didn't change soon, I was going to have to go back to my dog -stealing plans.
Today was the day we were supposed to bring in our science projects. I didn't have mine, but I didn't even care. I'd tell Mr. White my project got lost or stolen or something.
Stealing a dog had seemd so easy when I'd first thought of it. Now it seemed like the hardest thing I'd ever done.
I worte under the part that said: 3. Figure out where you are going to hide the dog.
a. To be close enough so you can go visit him.
b. The place has to be somewhere nobody goes to.
c. A nice place gor a dog to be.
d. A place that has a roof because what if it rains.
Now we are almost ready to steal a dog.
In science class , Mr. White called my name, so I readed my report on volcanoes front of my class. I had made my writing real big but everybody else had used their computers but not me.
With my face burning, My whole report lasted about two second and then it was over and evrybody laughed. Even Luanne and Liza louder than anybody else.
My report was nothing but great big made-up words.
One day mama was red- faced and crying . She got fired at the cleaners. When we went back our house we saw the X over the front door and there was private property keep out sign. The owner doesn't want us here,after all.
I was definitely gonna steal that dog.
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