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[영어 원서 읽기]How to steal a dog 1.


[ 개를 훔치는 완벽한 방법]이라는 이름으로 한국에서 출판 되었고 한국에서 영화로도 제작 되어있는 작품이다. 작가는 이 소설 한 권으로 열 네개의 상을 탄게 된다.

나는 조지나야. 나는 차에 살고 있어. 3B 아파트에 살고 있는척 했는데 어느날 베스트 프렌드 루안이 날 따라 왔어. 그날 아빠는 집을 떠나 있고 엄마는 일을 두개나 하시고 차에서 살게된 이야기를 하게 돼. 그러고 비밀을 지켜 달라고 하지. 그날 밤 개를 찾아주면 500달러를 준다는 간판을 보고 개를 훔쳐 찾아주는 계획을 짜게 돼. 공책에 규칙도 적어두고 언제든 잘못된 상황이 되면 그만 두기로 다짐도 했어.이게 다 우리가 살곳을 마련하기위해서야.

I am Geogina. I lived in a car. I guess I'm pretty good at pretending. I pretended like I still lived in Apartment 3B. But Mr. Deeter kicked us out of our apartment because we didn't pay the rent.
My best friend,Luanna Godfrey, didn't know. I lived in a bus untill now .
One day Luanna followed me, I didn't even notice her sneaking along behind me.
She said she haven't seen your daddy in a long time. I couldn't stop the tears and sat diwn right there in the drogstore parking lot and told Luanne everything and promise Luanne won't tell not evenher mama.
Mama was from working two job. I could see her tired, sad look. I said to mama, mama got to find as a place to live not a car. Mama said It took money to get a pla e more then we got.
That night, I curled up on the seat and I saw it. A faded old sign that said:reward $500. and under that was a picture of a big-eyeed little dog with its tongue hanging out."Misty"who in the world would pay five hundred dollors for that little ole dog.
It is enought money to get us a place to live. I was gonna steal me a dog.

A couple of days before I decided to tellToby and said can't tell anybody. I told my plan. The person who loves the dog won't know it was us that stole it. The person will think we found the dog.
After school that day. I found my spiral notebook and wrote about "How to steal a dog"and rules a finding a dog. The dog must not bark, not bite,......the owner of the dog must look like somebody whi will pay a lot if money.
I felt myself splitti g right in two. Half of me was thinking stealing a dog is just plain wrong, Half of me was thinking You're in a bad fix and you got to do whatever it takes to get yourself out of it.