Moral ;there is always someone worse off than yourself.
항상 자신보다 더 상황이 나쁜 사람이 있습니다.

내친구들이 방과후를 하러 학교 버스를 탈때 우리는 빨래방에 가야해. 낡은 운동화에 발가락도 나오고 .루안이 친구들에게 내말을 하지 않을까?
우리는 개를 데리고 올때 목줄로 줄이 필요하지만 돈을 모아야해. 우리는 개를 훔치러 윌리에게 갔지만 목줄도 없고 무엇보다 데려와서 숨길 곳이 없지 모야.
개를 훔치는 방법 스텝 3
1. 개를 계속 지켜봐라
2. 목줄로 쓸 줄이 필요하다.
3. 개를 숨길 곳이 필요해.
그때 엄마가 우리가 살곳을 찾았데.
그래, 개를훔치는것은 나쁜일이야. 난 안할래.
엄마가 숲속으로 숲속으로 우리를 데리고가 쓰러져가는 녹슨 집으로 데리고 가셨어.곰팡이 냄세가 나고 심지어 물도 안나오지. 엄마는 최선을 다했다고 했고 이 곳에 오래 살건 아니라고 하셨다. 나는 내 오래된 차에 사는게 낳다고 생각했어. 항상 자신보다 더 상황이 나쁜 사람이 있다고? 나보다 나쁜사람은 이세상 어디에도 없어!
My friends went to after school but Toby and I had to go to the Laundromat. The toe of my sneaker was wearing out. And I worried that Luanne don't tell my friends .
We need to find some kind of rope or something to tie to that dog's coller.
We went to willy's house but we didn't get the rope and after steal him, we didn't have any place to hide. I hadn't even thought if that!
I wrote step 3 : get ready to steal the dog.
1. Keep watching the dog.
2. Found some rope or something
3. Figure out where you are going to hide the dog.
And that time mom found us a place. We're moving into a house. I'd known in my heart than stealing a dog was a bedthing to do, and now I didn't have to.
Mom led into deeper and deeper the woods and my bad feeling got worse. I saw a ramshackle old house that all cockeyed and rusty. The house smelled damp and moldy , and no water came out . Mama was doing the best she can and she said that it won't be for long .
I felt our nasty ole car is better than this place and there was no body, nowhere, worse off than me.
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