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[영어원서 읽기]Wonder 18. -알고 보니 미란다가 가장 상처가 많은 아이였군요. 어기를 가슴으로 안아 줄 수 있었던 것도 자신도 아픔이 있어서였나 봐요. - Part seven Miranda Miranda knows that after her mother and father divorced, her mother is busy with work and her father is busy with her stepmother and younger brother, so she doesn't have time to take care of herself. I went to a summer camp I didn't want to go to there. In camp, She lied as if she was Via and she even told.. 더보기
[영어원서 읽기]Wonder 17. 출처Arrow Rock Lyceum Theatre standing ovation기립 박수 flubbed더듬거리다 weirdo이상한 사람 badmouthed험담 prude교만한 skimming대충 읽다 deform추하게 하다 defect결함 outrageous터무니없는 euphoric크게 기쁘게 Part six AUGUST The stup lamp was a big hit at the science fair. Jack and I got an A for it. I'm pretty sure everyone's stopped playing the plague game behind my back,too. The stup lamp는 과학 박람회에서 큰 히트를 쳤습니다. Jack과 나는 A를 받았습니다. 모두가 내 .. 더보기
[영어원서 읽기]Wonder 16. part five Justin ♧좋은 표현 I fish a dollar out of my pocket. 나는 주머니에서 1달러를 찾는다 It's not a big deal. 별거 아니에요. The first time I met Via's brother, little bit surprise. We've been dating for two months now. She's an awesome girl and I love hanging out with her. I give Olivia a heart necklace for Valentine's day, and she gave me a messnger bag she's made out. She want to be a geneticist. Before I met V.. 더보기
[영어원서 읽기]Wonder 15. P174~ p185 잭이 진심으로 어기를 이해한 부분이다. 급식소에서 아이들이 어기를 없는 사람 취급하는것을 보고 이상하다고 하니 어기가 내 세계로 온것을 환영 한다고 하는 부분이 선명히 남아있다. Lin-betweeners중간자 hypocrite위선자 addiction중독 ledge선반 zydeco자이데코( 미국음악장르) ♧I suck at science. 저는 과학을 못합니다. ♧What the heck. 에라 모르겠다 At lunch,I sat down at the table but kids got their food, and then headed toward a new table. Only Summer and Auggie call me. That very first day of school,at .. 더보기
[영어원서 읽기]Wonder 14. p160~p173 줄리안 엄마의 행동은 아이를 더 망치고 있다는 생각이 들어요. '콩심은데 콩나고 팥심은데 팥난다.' 는 말이 저절로 떠오르는 장면입니다. prejudicial불리한 bizarre기괴한 payback복수 inclusion school 장애인 통합학교 what was up and stuff 무슨 일이 있었는지 I sent lettersaid sorry to Mr. Tushman and Julian. Julian's mom sent e-mail to Mr. tushman. -We have known the Will family since our boys were in kindergarten. I'm speaking specifically of the new child with special .. 더보기
[영어원서 읽기]Wonder 13. p160~p173 줄리안 엄마의 행동은 아이를 더 망치고 있다는 생각이 들어요. '콩심은데 콩나고 팥심은데 팥난다.' 는 말이 저절로 떠오르는 장면입니다. prejudicial불리한 bizarre기괴한 payback복수 inclusion school 장애인 통합학교 what was up and stuff 무슨 일이 있었는지 I sent lettersaid sorry to Mr. Tushman and Julian. Julian's mom sent e-mail to Mr. tushman. -We have known the Will family since our boys were in kindergarten. I'm speaking specifically of the new child with special .. 더보기
[영어원서 읽기]Wonder 11. #P133~p145 phony속임수의 sympathetic동정심이 많은 deformed기형의 part four Jack Mr. Tushman call my mom and told about to meet new kid and me before school starts. I said to my mom, I saw a couple of times in the playground.I didn`t want to do it. He's deformed. Mom was disappointed and scolded alot. So I told , I will meet him. I suddenly felt realy bad. It's because If all the kids hate him coming to schoo.. 더보기
[영어 원서 읽기]Wonder 10. p118~p132 ♡외모와 상관없이 내면을 보고 사람을 좋아해 주는 써머는 어른이 나보다 더 넓고 고운 마음을 가진 것 같아요. Part three Summer 새단어 merged병합 snuck 몰래 vibe분위기 flicked 휙 artifact인공물 assignment과제 assigned할당된 overexcited 지나치게 흥분한 platoon sergeant소대 상사 mandibulofacial dysostosis 하악 안면 골이족증 blind date소개팅 좋은 표현들 ♧I shouldn't go around bragging to anyone that I got invited. 초대받았다고 자랑하지 말아야 해요. ♧That was kinds of bummer 그건 좀 아쉬웠어요. This year.. 더보기