출처Arrow Rock Lyceum Theatre
standing ovation기립 박수
weirdo이상한 사람
skimming대충 읽다
deform추하게 하다
euphoric크게 기쁘게
Part six
The stup lamp was a big hit at the science fair. Jack and I got an A for it.
I'm pretty sure everyone's stopped playing the plague game behind my back,too.
The stup lamp는 과학 박람회에서 큰 히트를 쳤습니다. Jack과 나는 A를 받았습니다.
모두가 내 뒤에서 전염병 게임을 하는 것을 멈춘것 같아요.
I hated hearing aids for the first time, but when I put them on, they sounded bright. I was upset to find out that Via didn't invite her family because of me, but that night, Daisy dies and there grief unites her family.
처음 보청기를 할때 싫다고 했지만 착용해보니 소리가 밝게 들렸어요. 비아가 나 때문에 가족을 초대하지 않은걸 알고 화가 났지만 그날밤 , 데이지가 세상을 떠나게 되고슬픔은 가족을 하나로 만들어 줍니다.
Via was Emily's understudy. Miranda said that she couldn't play the role of Emily because she was sick, knowing that all Via's family had come to the audience and her family had not been there.
비아는 에밀리 대역 배우 였는데 미란다가 에밀리역을 못하겠다고 했어요. 왜냐면 미란다가 객석에 비아 가족들이 모두오고 자기 식구들이 모두 안온걸 알았기때문이예요.
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