나는 윌리를 봐야만해.그래서 막 뛰어 갔더니 노래소리가 들리는 거야. 그 아저씨는 무키라고하는데 앞니에 빛나는 금니가 있고 손가락이 두개가 없어. 그 남자는 정어리를 윌리랑 나눠 먹었고 이작은 개가 왜 여기에 있는지 물었어. 나는 재빨리 머리를 돌려 새로운 땅주인이 개 키우는걸 안좋아해서 엄마가 개를 계속 키우려고 다른데를 알아보고 있다고 둘러 댔어. 나는 카멜라 아줌마의 슬픈 얼굴과 마음이 무너지는 목소리가 들리는것 같아. 내가 잘한거 맞지?
I had to see Willy. So I hightailed it out of school. When I got to the house,I heard somebody singing. He was Mookie. His right in the front tooh was shiny gold and had two fingers missing before.
He shared the sardines with Willy. He asked ,how come little dog all holed up here in this old house. I thought fast and said, we got a new landlord and he says ,no dogs.
Mama found new place where we can keep a dog. I felt squirmy. Stranger kept seeing Willy but i didn't bring him.
I thought about Camella's sad face and hertbroken voice. I made my way down the rickety steps. I had done good, hadn't I?
카멜라아줌마 동생이 돈이 없다고 하자 아줌마는 죽고 싶데. 그녀는 모든곳에 윌리를 찾는 종이를 붙이고 싶어 하셔.엄마는 정말 행복해 보였고 나가서 돈을 버는 모든 종류의 방법을 계속하셨어.
나는 토비한테 무키 아저씨 이야기를 안했는데 토비가 엄마한테 모르는 사람이랑 말했다고 이야기라도 하는 날엔 우린 죽었어.
Carmella's sister hasn't got that kind of money so she wanna die. She want to tack every coner papers.
Mama seemed real happy and excited, going on and on about how she's making all kinds of money.
I hadn't told Toby about Mookie yet. He'd say we wern't supposed to talk to strangers and mama would kill us and stuff like that.
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