
난 어제 카멜라 아줌마 집을 다녀온 뒤로 정말로 배가 아파. 숙제 하는척하면서 개를 훔치는 방법 책에다 8단계를 썼어.
8단계: 개를 되찾고 계획한 대로 보상금을 받을 수 있으며 이는 결정해야 한다.
학교 마치고 바로 윌리한테 갔는데 윌리가 없어. 정신 없이 찾는데 무키 아저씨가 윌리를 데리고 왔어. 윌리를 쇼핑센터에서 발견했데. 난 미안하다고 말하고 내 개가 아니라고 고백했어. 아저씨는 잔소리도 하지 않았고 떠났어. 무키 아저씨는 좀 미친것 같지만 완전히 틀린건 아니야. 좋은 사람일지 몰라.내일은 윌리를 데려다 줄꺼야
난 토비가 바보가 아닌것 같은것을 인정해.그리고 무키 아저씨가 내가 버린 목줄을 찾아 놓으셨고 내 진실을 알고 있었어. 난 윌리를 카멜라 아줌마네에 넣고 가버리려다가 아줌마에게 개를 훔쳤다고 고백한다. 아줌마는 오랜 침묵 끝애 용서해 주셨고 내일 토비랑 개 산책을 위해 들려달라고 한다.
루이스 라는 사람이 입주해서 아이를 봐주는 사람이 필요해서 우리는 이사를 가게 되었고 보통 사람들의 보통 행복을 그려 보았다.
마지막 9단계 : 개를 훔치지 마라. 그건 좋은 생각이 아니야
I really did have a stomachache.I 'd had one ever since I'd left Carmella's yesterday.
I pretended like I was doing my homework but I thought about Willy over and over. I wrote step 8 : You can take the dog back and get the reward money like you planned that is the decision you will have to make.
After school bell rang, we hurried up to get the house. But Willy was gone. I ran up one side of the road and down the other and calling Willy's name desperately.
But Mookie took Willy. Willy was by the shopping center. I said sorry and that dog is not mine. Mookie didn't scold and leaved from that house.
Mookie was kind of crazy but maybe he was not totally wrong. I guess he was nice, too.
We will take Will home tomorrow.
I had to admit,Toby had been pretty good at all and hadn't
I knew what was ahead of me if I did what I'd planned,but I was gonna do it anyway. I went to Willy and untie his leash and led to the road. But I noticed a little coller,that was the Willy's one. Mookie had known the truth.
I open the Camellas's house the gate and watched him dash into the house. I said, I stole Willy. A terrible silence settled over the room. I told about all my story and waited for Camella to hate me. She said her guess bad times can make person do bad things. Tears dropped right off my face. I said I was sorry. But Camella said why don't you and Toby come and take Willy for a walk.
Somebody named Louise needed somebody to share the house with her and help take care of baby and put some of the rent.
So my family moved. I pictured myself nomal life for nomal happy.
I wrote step 9: DO NOT STEAL A DOG because IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA.
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